Product metering standalone, Quipucords UI


Web user interface for the CLI Quipucords/Discovery, based on Patternfly.

A standalone scanning and product metering/analysis tool, image, CLI. The first React, and Redux, user interface I worked on. In late 2022, I was given an opportunity to upgrade it towards Patternfly 4, and some new'ish React practices.

This original UI set the basis for components used in Patternfly 3 React. And also helped established continued use patterns for React and Redux.

My direct contributions temporarily ended October 2023, but we're resumed in April 2024 to temporarily patch the older UI, and fill an advisory role for the team's attempted rewrite.

Role & Contribution

  • UI Developer, Lead UI Developer
  • Build and state architecture
  • Past tooling, React, Sass, Redux, Patternfly, Shell, Create React App, Dockerfile